Γοργοεπήκοος (Горгоэпикоос — Gorgoepikoos) — Икона Божией Матери Скоропослушница — Icon of the Mother of God Quick to Harken |
copy written on Mount Athos of the X-XI century original, brought in 1878 to the |
Церковь Покрова Богородицы в Спасо-Преображенский монастырь в Муроме – Church of the Intercession of the Virgin in the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Murom. |
Церковь Покрова Богородицы в Спасо-Преображенский монастырь в Муроме – Church of the Intercession of the Virgin in the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Murom,
and (to viewer's right) the Соборная Церковь, Спасо-Преображенский Собор (XVI век) – Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior (consecrated 1556). |
Orthodox piety, here before the Γοργοεπήκοος (Горгоэпикоос — Gorgoepikoos) —
Икона Божией Матери Скоропослушница — Icon of the Mother of God Quick to Harken,
in the Церковь Покрова Богородицы в Спасо-Преображенский монастырь в Муроме –
Church of the Intercession of the Virgin in the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Murom. |
Церковь Покрова Богородицы в Спасо-Преображенский монастырь в Муроме
Church of the Intercession of the Virgin in the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Murom |
The original XIV icon is in the Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow
(this image not ours; from Wikicommons) |
Борис – Барыс – Boris |
Глеб – Гліб – Gleb |
При хрещенні прийняв християнське ім'я Роман |
При хрещенні прийняв християнське ім'я Давида |
При крещении принял христианское имя Роман |
При крещении принял христианское имя Давида |
Пры хрышчэнні прыняў хрысціянскае імя Раман |
Пры хрышчэнні прыняў хрысціянскае імя Давіда |
At baptism took the Christian name of Roman |
At baptism took the Christian name of David |
(* c. 986/990; reigned in Rostov from 1010; martyred on the River Alta on 24 July 1015 †) |
(* c. 987/990; reigned in Murom from 1013; martyred near Smolensk on 5 September 1015 †) |
Both martyrs canonized in 1072 Anno Domini, the first Russian saints canonized.
( Though earlier martyred in Kievan Rus', on 12 July 978,
— possibly influencing Saint Vladimir to accept Christianity — were
Theodore the Varangian, born in X century Byzantium, and his son John
– Феодор-варяг і син його Іван – Феодор Варяг и сын его Иоанн ) |
Do we call Peter, Simon? Matthew is still called Levi? Paul, Saul? The Church and the world speak not of Abraham, but of Abram? |
The story of the martyrdom of Saint Roman and Saint David is one of the greatest in the entire thousand year saga of Christianity in Russia.
We will recall that Saint Olga did not succeed in bringing her son to acceptance of Christ Jesus and baptism into the Christian faith.
Свѧтославъ Игорєвичь (Old East Slavic) – Sveinald Ingvarsson (Old Norse) – Святослав Ігорович (Ukrainian) – Святослав Игоревич (Russian) – Святаслаў Ігаравіч (Belarusian) – Sviatoslav (or Svyatoslav) I Igorevich (c. 942 to 972) reigned nominally as Grand prince of Kiev from 945 (as a three-year-old toddler), but his mother, Saint Olga, was regent until 962/963. Thus Saint Olga, having received baptism herself in 957, reigned over Kievan Rus' for an additional six years as a Christian monarch during the ongoing minority of her son, Sviatoslav. Even under these circumstances, as also for the ten years he reigned in his own right, until his death at age thirty in 972, Sviatoslav was not brought to an acceptance of Christ. He is recorded as having sworn to treaties with the Byzantine Emperor, John I Tzimiskes, swearing by Slavic pagan (that is, false) deities Перун – Perun and Велесъ – Волос – Veles, as also having been afraid of losing the respect of the soldiers he commanded if he accepted Christianity.
Sviatoslav made his choice, but in light of this story one perhaps gains some insight into how it might have come to pass that, some four decades on, at the death of his son, Grand Prince Saint Vladimir Sviatoslavich, a similar tale unfolded. There are after all different levels of conversion.
Муром – Murom on the left bank of the Ока Река – Oka River |
Monument of semi-mythical Russian Epic hero and actual canonized saint of Kyivan Rus'
Knight Errant – Богатыри with the strength of Samsom turned monk
practicing the Old Evangelization in both capacities
Святому Преподобному Илие Муромцу
Ілля Муромець – Илья Муромец – Ilya of Murom – Ilya Muromets
Scupture in Муром – Murom by the Ока Река – Oka River
by В.М. Клыков – V.M. Klykov and В.В. Тальков – V.V. Talkov |
Пётр и Феврония Муромские – Piotr and Fevronia of Murom on Peasant's Square and standing before the
Свято-Благовещенский Собор — Holy Annunciation Cathedral, within the walls of the XVI century monastery
of the same name. And speaking of names, the monastery is encircled, still in 2016 by
Красноармейская улица – Red Army Street and Красноармейский переулок – Red Army Lane |
"Rise, and have no fear." |
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." |
the Holy Spirit |
Man proposes, God disposes |